Reclamation Facilities ("R9")

Waste Management in The Permian Basin TX

Reclamation Facilities ("R9")

About this service

Taking Reclamation Technology To New Heights

Our R9 Reclamation Facilities stand at the forefront of waste management innovation. These facilities are specifically designed to process non-hazardous oil and gas waste with the utmost efficiency and environmental responsibility. Utilizing advanced separation technologies, we effectively extract hydrocarbons from solid and liquid waste products. This process not only recovers valuable resources but also significantly reduces the volume of waste destined for landfill disposal, supporting our commitment to sustainability and reducing our ecological footprint.

A large building with a lot of tanks and pumps

Comprehensive Waste Solutions

The R9 Reclamation process is a core part of our comprehensive waste management strategy. At our Hawk Reclamation Facility, we handle everything from production tank bottoms to other liquid-based production solids. Here, waste is not merely treated but transformed, with hydrocarbons separated and then routed to appropriate recovery or disposal channels. The solid wastes are processed further, minimizing their environmental impact before reaching landfill stages. This holistic approach ensures that each aspect of the waste is handled in the most environmentally responsible manner possible.

Environmental and Economic Benefits

By investing in our R9 Reclamation Facilities, Desert Environmental not only adheres to stringent environmental standards but also offers significant economic benefits to our clients. The efficiency of our reclamation process allows for lower overall costs of waste management, with less waste going to landfills and more materials being recovered and repurposed. For our clients in the oil and gas industry, this means not just compliance with environmental regulations but also cost-effective solutions to waste challenges, proving that environmental responsibility and economic viability can go hand in hand.

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